Innisfil Montessori Academy Gives Back
Innisfil Montessori Academy believes in making an impact both locally and globally by donating to charities that we believe in. Whenever possible, we involve our students in the process. Working to instill empathy in our children is an important and vital task. Maria Montessori believed that it is the duty of every person to work toward and be part of something great which not only serves individual interests, but those of humanity. Empathy, or the ability to understand the thoughts or feelings of another, helps us to live more fulfilling happier lives.
At IMA we strongly believe;
“Giving is not just about making a donation.
It’s about making a difference”
– Kathy Calvin
Supporting our Local Community
- Innisfil Soccer Club
- Innisfil Baseball Club
- Innisfil Minor Hockey
- Barrie Minor Hockey
- Barrie Sharks Hockey
- Bay Cats Baseball
- South Lake Cardiac Care
- Heart and Stroke Foundation
- Innisfil Police Community Outreach
- RVH Youth Mental Health
- RVH Neonatal Unit
- Bear Creek Animal Sanctuary
“Within the child lies the fate of the future”
– Marie Montessori
To commemorate our 10th anniversary we committed to building a classroom in rural Kenya through the charity “Village Impact”.
Our kindergarten student became very passionate about this project, making all centerpieces for tables and programs for the event. The children quickly became “experts” on Kenya, as their teachers explained the differences in our learning opportunities and living conditions.
Children truly are our future, if at the age of five their efforts contributed to the building a classroom in Kenya and providing education that these students might otherwise not receive, imagine what they will be capable of and will have their hearts open to when they are adults!

“Knowledge, like air, is vital to life.
Like air, no one should be denied it”
– Alan Moore